How your service makes the client’s life better

Your sub-headline tells them what services you offer

The location you serve and/or telehealth info

Value Proposition

Fusce risus nisl, viverra et, tempor et, pretium in, sapien. Morbi mattis ullamcorper velit. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit. Vivamus quis mi. Nullam sagittis. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Integer tincidunt. Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Donec orci lectus, aliquam ut, faucibus non, euismod id, nulla. Nullam quis ante.

Cras risus ipsum, faucibus ut, ullamcorper id, varius ac, leo. Ut varius tincidunt libero. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. In auctor lobortis lacus.

Vivamus laoreet. Fusce vel dui. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Ut non enim eleifend felis pretium feugiat. Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam.

The Therapist

Introduce yourself as the person behind the business. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi nec metus. Praesent nonummy mi in odio. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Sed in libero ut nibh placerat accumsan. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. In turpis. Sed libero.

Duis vel nibh at velit scelerisque suscipit. Curabitur at lacus ac velit ornare lobortis. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut a nisl id ante tempus hendrerit.

Phasellus blandit leo ut odio. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Quisque malesuada placerat nisl. Vestibulum rutrum, mi nec elementum vehicula, eros quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante vel mi. Nunc sed turpis.

 Focus Areas

Focus Area 01

Write a brief description of what your visitor will find when they click this image.

Focus Area 02

Write a brief description of what your visitor will find when they click this image.

Focus Area 03

Write a brief description of what your visitor will find when they click this image.

Optional Section

Option 1: Use an Explanatory Paragraph to answer your potential client's questions and addresses their concerns. Here’s a sample, fill-in-the-blank style.

I know that you’d like to [aspirational identity: the kind of person clients want to become]. [The service] can help. The problem is that [what’s holding them back], which makes you feel [how the problem makes them feel].

I believe [how the problem can be resolved]. I understand [empathetic statement] . That’s why I [demonstrate competency to solve their problem].

Here’s how it works [your three-step plan]. So [call them to action] so you can stop [whatever negative thing will happen or continue to happen if they don’t work with you] and start [what their life will look like if they work with you].

Option 2: Feature a Unique Offering. If you offer something that may set you apart from your competition, be sure to highlight it on your home page.

Here are some examples:

  • You serve a very specific population

  • You have special training to address a unique problem

  • You offer services in another language

  • You offer telehealth, home visits, Walk & Talk therapy, or another way of providing the service

  • You have a unique offering, like an online course or workshop

  • You have a lead magnet

Option 3: Engage Your Visitors by featuring content that encourages potential clients to stay on your website or engage with you. You can do this with:

  • A blog summary

  • A social media feed

  • Podcast episodes

  • A short video introduction

  • A survey or quiz

  • Photos of your office

  • Newsletter signup

Call to Action

Tell your clients exactly what they need to do to get started. Do you want them to use the online scheduler to make their first appointment? Do you want them to call you or fill out an online form? Demonstrate a clear path so that clients will see how easy it is to work with you and identify their next steps.